Saturday, July 28, 2007

I am truly fantastic

A friend writes:

I don't know that I have one defining moment of acceptance for my belly, but I have lots of moments when I recall being degraded, or snubbed because of my size.

The fall of the year that I turned 28, I met a man who I am still together with, and with whom I own a home.

He loves me. Every square inch, including my big belly.

It has taken him almost 2 years and innumerable compliments for me to finally realize that I am fabulous just the way that I am.

My pants may sometimes be too tight, but that means we have good incomes and enough food to satisfy us.

My body may not resemble that of a Victoria Secrets model, but every part of me is in good working order. I can run - if I want to. I can walk, and see, and hear and speak, and play games and ride a bike. There are so many people out there who can't do what I can do, and who don't have what I have.

I am now using my size to my advantage. I flaunt my curves and swing my hips and hold my beautiful head up high.

Those who don't like my size? That's their issue, because I like who I am!

It just took me 30 years to figure out that I am truly fantastic - me and my belly.